Weather News! How exciting! There are so many different weather sites to choose from. Here is a shortlist to choose from:
There are many fun educational weather projects. Tell your child to look at the hourly and daily forecast on a weather site. Next ask your child to draw and color a picture to show the weather: rainy, snowy, cloudy, or sunny for that date. At the top of that page ask your child to write the word describing the weather as either rainy, snowy, cloudy or sunny. Then display the picture. For older children, you can ask your child to create a chart with the name of each weather site showing the forecast. You can also go to to download age-appropriate weather and seasons worksheets.
Let’s see what the weather is today. Just follow these instructions on your computer desktop to see your local forecast. Tap on the upper right corner to enter your location to find the latest weather in your area.
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