Happy St. Patrick’s Day wordsearch

Happy St. Patrick’s Day wordsearch

A great musician years ago called Bing Crosby used to sing a song called Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ra, That’s an Irish Lullaby. Enjoy this fun word search called “St. Patrick’s Day”. Word searches develop spelling skills, extend vocabulary, and emphasize pattern recognition. Find all of the hidden words! Enjoy replaying one of your favorite word searches to beat […]

A prayer of “how long?”

A prayer of “how long?”

Where is God? Read or listen to the “Prayer” story in Learning to Read: New Testament Stories.  Some days, we may need to feel the presence of heaven in our lives more fully. Those times might include – when we are sick when others are sick when we feel nothing but aloneness when we feel […]

Fun with Learning to Read Favorite Fairy Tales

Fun with Learning to Read Favorite Fairy Tales

Most young boys and girls have fun pretending they are someone else. Children love to role play. Some children might even dream during the nighttime of becoming one of their favorite characters in a book. Why not give your child the popular book, “Learning to Read: Favorite Fairy Tales“? They will become captivated as they […]

The Man Who Walked wordsearch

The Man Who Walked wordsearch

Enjoy this fun word search called “The Man Who Walked”. Word searches develop spelling skills, extend vocabulary, and emphasize pattern recognition. Find all of the hidden words! Enjoy replaying one of your favorite word searches to beat your old score. Word searches develop spelling skills, extend vocabulary, and emphasize pattern recognition. Find all the hidden […]

New Testament Stories Trivia Game #2

New Testament Stories Trivia Game #2

These three fun questions will test your knowledge of a story called “The Wise Men”. You can read the story in Learning to Read: New Testament Stories. Play this game as many times as you like. Trivia games can help improve your memory, improve problem-solving skills, and increase your knowledge base.

Why do we pray?

Why do we pray?

People of all ages from many different classes, languages, cultures, religions, and even agnostics have asked the same question. Why do we pray? You might answer the question by saying – when we see the suffering of our loved ones who so faithfully follow in God’s footsteps when we suffer for what looks like no […]

Did you see the butterfly?

Did you see the butterfly?

A butterfly goes through four stages in its life cycle. The coolest thing about butterfly eggs, especially monarch butterfly eggs, is that you can actually see the tiny caterpillar growing inside of it. Butterfly larvae are actually what we call caterpillars. Inside the pupa, the caterpillar is rapidly changing. Soon after the butterfly comes out of the […]

New Testament Trivia Game #6

New Testament Trivia Game #6

These three fun questions will test your knowledge of a story called, “Jesus”. You can read the story in Learning to Read: New Testament Stories audiobook. Replay as many times as you like! Time yourself! Instructions 1. Read each question. 2. Click on the best answer. 3. When completed, your score will be shown at […]

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! We love you! You are so special! Valentine’s Day is a festival of romantic love and friendship. Many people give cards, letters, flowers or presents to their spouse or friends. Watch this cute Valentine video.  Enjoy this wordsearch called “Valentine’s Day” inspired by the fairytale story “The Little Mermaid“ in Learning to […]

Superbowl – Puppy Bowl word search

Superbowl – Puppy Bowl word search

Here is your favorite game back in action! PUPPY BOWL is back with more ear pulls, tail wags, loving kisses, and touchdowns you won’t want to miss. Have fun cheering the puppy players of Team Ruff and Team Fluff as they give it their all. Word searches develop spelling skills, extend vocabulary, and emphasize pattern […]