Ever been sick before?

Ever been sick before?

Being sick is not fun! The best part of being ill is looking forward to feeling better again. It’s also a good time to read books in bed or on your device.  Enjoy this fun word search called “Little Red Riding Hood”. Word searches develop spelling skills, extend vocabulary, and emphasize pattern recognition. Find all […]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day wordsearch

Happy St. Patrick’s Day wordsearch

A great musician years ago called Bing Crosby used to sing a song called Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ra, That’s an Irish Lullaby. Enjoy this fun word search called “St. Patrick’s Day”. Word searches develop spelling skills, extend vocabulary, and emphasize pattern recognition. Find all of the hidden words! Enjoy replaying one of your favorite word searches to beat […]

Fun with Learning to Read Favorite Fairy Tales

Fun with Learning to Read Favorite Fairy Tales

Most young boys and girls have fun pretending they are someone else. Children love to role play. Some children might even dream during the nighttime of becoming one of their favorite characters in a book. Why not give your child the popular book, “Learning to Read: Favorite Fairy Tales“? They will become captivated as they […]

Did you see the butterfly?

Did you see the butterfly?

A butterfly goes through four stages in its life cycle. The coolest thing about butterfly eggs, especially monarch butterfly eggs, is that you can actually see the tiny caterpillar growing inside of it. Butterfly larvae are actually what we call caterpillars. Inside the pupa, the caterpillar is rapidly changing. Soon after the butterfly comes out of the […]

Groundhog Day 2025 hiding or not?

Groundhog Day 2025 hiding or not?

Will you see your favorite groundhog on Groundhog Day? Well, it’s just as you might have guessed! If Punxsutawney Phil does not see his shadow in the morning, we say goodbye to winter. If Phil does see his shadow, we have six more weeks of winter. The first mention of Groundhog Day came in 1886 in Punxsutawney […]

Is it a drone? Is it a fairy? Find out here!

Is it a drone? Is it a fairy? Find out here!

Learning to Read: Favorite Fairy Tales Audiobook now available!   Embark on a magical journey with your favorite fairy tales. Spend time with princesses and ogres, help Cinderella go to the ball, run with Hansel and Gretel as they escape from the wicked witch, and more tales to keep your littles happy! Give your child the gift […]

Favorite toys and books for children

Favorite toys and books for children

My Christians Forever Exhibit was next to the Discovery Toys Exhibit at the INCH Conference. Kathy and I became friends during this three-day event. During the workshops, when I was not presenting, she and I would talk. Eventually, she showed me her product and I showed her my product. Kathy bought a copy of Learning to […]

Flowers can be so beautiful!

Flowers can be so beautiful!

Flowers can be so beautiful! Calling all nature lovers to enjoy flower stories! Flowers  – (all flowers courtesy of Joseph Forbush photography) beautiful puts a smile on my face smell good help us to be creative help us to relax comfort us romantic the best in nature used for weddings, funerals, decorations sometimes edible Parents-Educators-Homeschoolers: […]

Your favorite ice cream?

Your favorite ice cream?

Summertime brings all kinds of things to mind. One of those things is eating ice cream on a hot, sunny day! Almost everyone likes to eat ice cream too! What is your favorite flavor? (Joseph Forbush Photography)   Chocolate? Vanilla? Strawberry? Butter Pecan? Chocolate Chip? Neapolitan? Homeschoolers-Parents-Educators: Sketch/color an illustration—theme: dessert. Read the “Hansel & […]

Overcome Illiteracy

Overcome Illiteracy

There is a growing problem of children and adults in America who cannot read a newspaper article. It is estimated that 68% of America’s fourth graders do not read proficiently. One out of six children who do not read at age level by the end of third grade will likely not graduate from high school. […]