VOTE – Primary Election

VOTE – Primary Election

Remember to vote in your state primary election in 2020. A primary election is when voters show support for their favorite candidates and issues for an upcoming election. Tips for teaching your child about the voting process: Model the behavior. Show your child the location where you will be voting. Take something age appropriate to […]

National French Fry Day

Happy National French Fry Day! French Fries come in so many different cuts and styles, there’s a favorite for everyone to enjoy! French fries, also known as chips, fries, finger chips, or French-fried potatoes, are sticks of deep-fried potatoes. They come in all kinds of sizes such as curls, waffles, crinkles, or tornado cut. Enjoy […]

Is the Food Crisis Over? Is the supermarket food crisis over? It looks like right now all kinds of foods are available in everyone’s local grocery store. However, is it possible for our supermarket chain to be disrupted again? Before the coronavirus, 3.7% of grocery shopping in the United States was online By May 2020, 21.1% of grocery shopping […]

Freedom of Expression – Mp3

Hello from ChristiansForever! What is at stake right now? Your right to “freedom of expression.” Who is right? Who is wrong? Does it matter? No, it does not matter. You have the right to disagree with someone else. History has shown that governments are prone to censorial abuse. Our founding fathers argued that natural rights, […]

Can You Score 3/3 on the ‘Civics Savvy’ Trivia Game?

Can You Score 3/3 on the ‘Civics Savvy’ Trivia Game?

Trivia games are AWESOME! This fun and exciting trivia game will help you find out how much you really know about “Civics.” If you like, you can go here to read more about Civics Savvy. Great activity for family devotionals. Play with your friends. See who guesses correctly first. It develops your memory and visualization […]

The Four Olds

The Four Olds

Remember the “Four Olds” in China?  The “Four Olds” campaign began on August 19, 1956, in Beijing during the Cultural Revolution. The idea was to abolish: Old Customs  –  Old Culture  –  Old Habits  –  Old Ideas The first things to change were the names of streets, landmarks, and stores. Chinese architecture was destroyed, classical […]

Who Owns Your Words?

There are two threats in present-day America to our right to “freedom of speech.” Number one is the practice of saying someone has the right to own someone else’s words. Number two is the practice of trying to shut down someone that disagrees with someone else’s opinion. Everyone owns their own words. Everyone has the […]