Yay! One of my favorite days is here. September 6th is national “Read a Book Day!” We are calling on all book lovers to grab a book they might enjoy and spend part of the day reading! It’s one of life’s simple pleasures. You can even start or join a book club where you will all read the same book, meet together once a month (even virtually), and talk about your favorite parts of the book! Why read to yourself or a loved one?
- Books are an inexpensive form of entertainment
- Book are educational tools
- Books improve memory and concentration
- Books reduce stress
- Books keep your cognitive juices flowing
- Books help your child succeed in life
- Books allow your child to dream
- Book are just plain fun
- There are audio books
- There are paperback books
- There are eBooks
Whatever format you prefer, grab or download the book on the top of your stack and dive in today!