Do you know the definition for the New Word of the Day, which is “Collaboration”? Pronounced: /kuh·la·br·ei·shn/ The action of working with someone to produce or create something. Collaboration
November 2019 Raffle Winners!
We are so HAPPY to congratulate our November winners who participated in the “Learning to Read” raffle held at Warren Mott High School last month!
Word of the Day – “Maiden”
Do you know the definition for the New Word of the Day, which is “Maiden”? Pronounced: /mā-dᵊn/ An unmarried girl or woman. Maiden
Word of the Day – “Beautiful”
Do you know the definition for the New Word of the Day, which is “Beautiful”? Pronounced: /byü-ti-fəl/ Very pretty Beautiful
Invest in Your Passion – Reading Success
This is one of your last opportunities of this year to give your child the gift of success–reading! Reading is something that will help your child succeed in whatever endeavor they choose. Do not let them get behind. My books will help your child become a better reader. Your child needs reading practice and reading […]
Fairy Tale Adventures @Thurston Elementary School!
Want to find activities for kids, food, and terrific vendors? Attend the Thurston Elementary School Winter Bazaar. This event will beheld on December 7th from 11:00am-5:00pm. There will be food, activities for kids and amazing vendors/crafters. Come out and support these amazing vendors and crafters. We hope to see you there! While you are there, […]
Who Were the Pilgrims?
The Separatists wanted to practice their own religion which was different from the mainstream religion in England. They became known as the Pilgrims. So, in 1620 a small group left England and headed for Virginia on a ship called the Mayflower. A storm blew their ship off course taking them to Cape Cod, Plymouth Rock, […]
What Are You Doing This Weekend?
Choose the right to be happy! What are you doing this weekend? Swimming, skiing, eating out, staying in bed, reading a book, going to the movies, going to the store, volunteering, going on a scavenger hunt, and/or going to worship? Whatever it is, don’t forget to include your favorite loved ones in your thoughts, prayers, […]
Veteran’s Day Word Search Game
Happy Veteran’s Day! Enjoy this free Veteran’s Day Word Search! Special thanks to our veterans and all the armed forces for their service to our country and for keeping us free! Let’s have a blast with this free online word search. Word searches develop spelling skills, extend vocabulary and emphasize pattern recognition. Find all of […]
Love One Another
I am reminded today that it is good for us to love our neighbor as our self. This second commandment to love everyone is the only way to true peace and happiness. We can do so much by just loving others–even if they have offended us. Let’s love one another.
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