Election Day

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Primary Election Day is here, almost here, and past. You choose the freedoms important to you when you vote for someone or an idea. Be a responsible citizen and vote!

2024 Primary Elections by state and territory
This chart lists the 2024 state primary election dates in all the states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories: primary runoff dates. States with U.S. Senate races; number of U.S. Representative seats up for re-election.
The General Election is Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
State Presidential, Primary State Primary Runoff Primary, General Election, U.S. Senate U.S. Representative

Alabama March 5*** March 5*** April 16*** No 7
Alaska — August 20 — No 1
American Samoa — — — — 1 Delegate
Arizona March 19 July 30 — Yes 9
Arkansas March 5 March 5 April 2 No 4
California March 5 — — Yes 52
Colorado March 5 June 25 — No 8
Connecticut April 2 August 13 — Yes 5
Delaware April 2 September 10 — Yes 1
District of Columbia June 4 June 4 — — 1 Delegate
Florida March 19 August 20 — Yes 28
Georgia March 12 May 21 June 18 No 14
Guam August 3 August 3 — — 1 Delegate
Hawaii — August 10 — Yes 2
Idaho — May 21 — No 2
Illinois March 19 March 19 — No 17
Indiana May 7 May 7 — Yes 9
Iowa — June 4 — No 4
Kansas March 19 August 6 — No 4
Kentucky May 21 May 21 — No 6
Louisiana March 23 November 5 — No 6
Maine March 5 June 11 — Yes 2
Maryland May 14 May 14 — Yes 8
Massachusetts March 5 September 3 — Yes 9
Michigan February 27*** August 6 — Yes 13
Minnesota March 5 August 13 — Yes 8
Mississippi March 12 March 12 April 2 Yes 4
Missouri — August 6 — Yes 8
Montana June 4 June 4 — Yes 2
Nebraska May 14 May 14 — Yes 3
Nevada February 6 June 11 — Yes 4
New Hampshire January 23*** September 10 — No 2
New Jersey June 4 June 4 — Yes 12
New Mexico June 4 June 4 — Yes 3
New York April 2 June 25 — Yes 26
North Carolina March 5 March 5 May 14 No 14
North Dakota — June 11 Yes 1
Ohio March 19 March 19 — Yes 15
Oklahoma March 5 June 18 August 27 No 5
Oregon May 21 May 21 — No 6
Pennsylvania April 23*** April 23*** — Yes 17
Puerto Rico April 21** ***/
April 28* *** June 13 — — 1 Resident
Rhode Island April 2 September 10 — Yes 2
South Carolina February 3* / February 24**
June 11 June 25 No 7
South Dakota June 4 June 4 — No 1
Tennessee March 5 August 1 — Yes 9
Texas March 5 March 5 May 28 Yes 38
Utah March 5 June 25 — Yes 4
Vermont March 5 August 13 — Yes 1
Virgin Islands — August 3 — — 1 Delegate
Virginia March 5 June 18 — Yes 11
Washington March 12*** August 6 — Yes 10
West Virginia May 14 May 14 — Yes 2
Wisconsin April 2 August 13 — Yes 8
Wyoming — August 20 — Yes 1
* Presidential Preference Primary – Democratic ***Primary dates are subject to change
** Presidential Preference Primary – Republican
Check your state election website or FVAP.gov for additional details and updates.

Parents-Homeschoolers-Educators: sketch/color an illustration. Theme: freedom. Read the “New Ideas” story in Learning to Read: American History Volume 1. Rewrite these words alphabetically, say each word out loud, and use them in a sentence: ideas, right, freedom, liberty, social, faith, vote. Explain what the people believed in. List three freedoms that are important to you. List five states and their primary election dates. List the date of the general election. Write what you think is going to happen during the general election. (Skillset: identify, comprehend, apply, predict, oral, creativity, numbers, citizenship)


About Martha Quinn

Book author, licensed teacher, master's degree (Reading K-12, Social Studies 7-12). Former homeschooler. Happily married Christian with two terrific children. Loves animals, swimming, music, fishing, gardening, cooking, traveling, exciting movies, good books, and the great outdoors.

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