Hello everyone from “History in 3 Minutes Podcast.” Welcome back! Today, let’s take another look at “The Civil War.” It continued with the use of new kinds of technology and the different ideologies between the southern and northern states. There was a faction within the Democratic party known as the “War Democrats”. They supported slavery […]
Supreme Court Justices – Did You Know?
What does the United States Constitution say about Supreme Court Justices? Who has the authority and power to change the number? Let’s look at these fascinating facts and events – Article III (3) of The United States Constitution says: “The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such […]
Right or wrong – Did you know?
Have you ever said, “That’s not right! It’s wrong!”? When we analyze history, or anything else for that matter, we need to apply a concept called “cultural relativism”. Here are some fascinating facts about cultural relativism. Did You Know? Cultural relativism means that history or culture should not be judged by the standards of another […]
Afghanistan – Did You Know?
Former President George W. Bush began the U.S. military invasion of Afghanistan in the fall of 2001 after the 9/11 terror attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Centers in New York. The U.S. pursued the al-Qaida militants who had planned the attack and received support from the Taliban. Here are other facts about Afghanistan. […]
Did You Know? 4th of July
Did You Know? July 4th is also known as Independence Day. On this day, we celebrate the anniversary of the Second Continental Congress adopting the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. At that time, Congress was made up of delegates from the United States’ original thirteen colonies. They unanimously approved the document that declared […]
D-Day Word Search
June 6th, 2021, commemorates the 77th anniversary of the decisive assault that led to the liberation of France and western Europe from Nazi control. On D-Day, (June 6, 1944) more than 150,000 Allied troops landed on the Normandy beaches code-named Omaha, Utah, Juno, Sword and Gold, carried by 7,000 boats. Enjoy this fun word search […]
Memorial Day History
Want to know more about Memorial Day? Here’s a great YouTube clip that will explain a brief history on why we celebrate Memorial Day on the last Monday in May each year. Homeschoolers: sketch/color an illustration. Write at least five facts about Memorial Day. Theme: protecting others. Read the story called The Happy Prince and describe […]
States – Alabama
We love the state of Alabama. With its warm weather and rich history, we thought you just might like to also know more. Alabama is one of the fifty states in the US, located in the southeastern United States between Mississippi and Georgia. As a modern-day explorer, we encourage you to go to this link, […]
25th Amendment
What is the procedure when the U.S. President leaves office other than during federal elections? The United States Constitution, Amendment #25, provides a clear procedure as to who becomes the next President when the outgoing President leaves office. The 25th Amendment was proposed on January 4th, 1965. It was ratified by 38 states on February […]
Who Am I?
I am one of the two largest conical mounds in eastern North America. I am listed on the National Register of Historic Places. I am 65 feet tall and 800 feet in circumference and contain 54,000 cubic yards of earth. I have quite a history. Archaeological investigations of the surrounding area suggest that I was constructed by […]
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