History in 3 Minutes Podcast

History in 3 Minutes Podcast

Hello everyone from ChristiansForever. Welcome back! Today, let’s take a look at the early European explorations in America. The rulers of Portugal, Spain, France, and England traded with Asia in the 1400’s. Queen Isabella of Spain heard of an Italian mapmaker and explorer named Columbus. She commissioned him to look for a shorter water route […]

Believe it or Not!!!

Believe it or Not!!!

I found this slanted, misleading question below in a current high school history book. It misleads the high school student into thinking that communism is comparable to conservative views in America today. Tell me what you think! “How does this quote fit with what you have learned about Conservative views on government? “Built in 1961, […]

‘The Earliest Civilizations’ Word Search – Score 100%

‘The Earliest Civilizations’ Word Search – Score 100%

Some of the earliest people to arrive in America were nomads and indigenous native Americans. Here is a word search to celebrate their presence in America. Word searches develop spelling skills, extend vocabulary, and emphasize pattern recognition. Find all of the hidden words! Enjoy replaying one of your favorite word searches. Each time you replay […]

History in 3 Minutes Podcast

History in 3 Minutes Podcast

  Hello everyone from ChristiansForever. Welcome back. The topic today in U.S. History and Reading is “The Earliest Civilizations”. Today, lets look at some of the earliest people to arrive in America. The people that came here were probably nomads. They basically followed their source of food like the buffalo. The Olmec came here around […]

‘9/11’ Word Search – Score 100%

‘9/11’ Word Search – Score 100%

I found this website called Newsweek which covers the 9/11 attack with a video for children. Here are a few learning activities you can use with it: 1 Journal Entry. Tell your child to write down their knowledge and thoughts about 9/11 in a journal entry format. 2 Discussion. Hold a discussion about September the […]

Freedom of Expression – Mp3

Hello from ChristiansForever! What is at stake right now? Your right to “freedom of expression.” Who is right? Who is wrong? Does it matter? No, it does not matter. You have the right to disagree with someone else. History has shown that governments are prone to censorial abuse. Our founding fathers argued that natural rights, […]

Early American Immigrants

Early American Immigrants

1. Who are some of the early immigrants that came to America? Everyone has a heritage. Native Americans Africans Europeans Asians 2. Why did they come here? They came for many different reasons.  Many explorers came to America to find a better life Some came as indentured servants or slaves The Pilgrims and Puritans came […]

The Star-Spangled Banner

The Star-Spangled Banner

  The majority of parents want what is best for their children because they love their children. Many teach their children to love their family, God, and country. Let’s remember to teach our children the Star-Spangled Banner was written by Francis Scott Key with the now-famous words: And the rocket’s red glare, The bombs bursting […]



A quick history lesson –  When President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863 it made slavery illegal. Later in December 1865, slavery in America was formally abolished with the adoption of the 13th Amendment. Fast forward to more recent history. Texas continued the celebration of emancipation, making Juneteenth an official state holiday […]

Who Owns Your Words?

There are two threats in present-day America to our right to “freedom of speech.” Number one is the practice of saying someone has the right to own someone else’s words. Number two is the practice of trying to shut down someone that disagrees with someone else’s opinion. Everyone owns their own words. Everyone has the […]