People of all ages from many different classes, languages, cultures, religions, and even agnostics have asked the same question. Why do we pray? You might answer the question by saying –
- when we see the suffering of our loved ones who so faithfully follow in God’s footsteps
- when we suffer for what looks like no good reason at all
- when we see the wicked harm those that are doing good deeds
- when the soldier who loves his country dies to preserve freedom
- when a child dies
- when the mother and father feel comfortless for the death of their child
- when someone’s incompetence harms the youth
- when hurt, pain, and sorrow are real
- when ignorance, prejudice, and hate seem to rule the earth
- when the greedy and lucky seem to be blessed while the humble yearn for inspiration
- when illness comes to the young, middle-aged, and old
- when we feel all alone
- when a baby is born
- when our loved ones die, and we miss them
- when someone is married
- when we need to make a decision
- when we need help
- when we say thank-you
- when we are happy
- when we are sad
- when we eat
- when it is morning, noon, and nighttime
- when we are waiting for our prayers to be answered
- when we visit a holy place
- when it is a holiday
- when we hope for a better world
- when we worship God
Homeschoolers/Teachers/Parents: sketch/color an illustration. Theme: why do we pray? Read the story called “Prayer” in Learning to Read: New Testament Stories. Put these words in alphabetical order and use in a sentence: prayer, God, Jesus, Heavenly Father, thank, ask, name. List five reasons people pray. How did Jesus pray? Say a prayer. Write about an experience you had with prayer. (Skillset: identify, comprehend, empathy, apply, oral)