Have you been to the grocery store lately? Have you seen empty shelves anywhere? It’s possible you saw empty shelves in the stores or online. Maybe you spoke to someone, and they shared that their store’s favorite chips were sold out. Well, guess who else saw it? I did. Yep. Me too. It’s even on the mainstream news. Local and worldwide current events include –
- Supply crunch
- Transportation dilemma
- Natural disasters (Tonga tsumani)
- Trade imbalances
- Lack of gardening skills
Homeschoolers: Sketch/color an illustration. Theme: food. Visit our eBooks online or listen to one of our fascinating audio book stories. Read the story “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” in Learning to Read: Favorite Fairy Tales. Finish these two sentences – 1) Goldilocks saw three bowls with porridge on the table and… 2) I saw empty shelves… Then write about what you should do when you are hungry.